Art Analysis on " El Beso (The Kiss)"

 Art Analysis on " El Beso (The Kiss)" 

As I continue on my journey of Peruvian art I go back to an action that many may hold near and dear to their heart "El Beso (The Kiss)". Whether it's your first kiss that you hold close to your heart or a kiss from your partner of 20 plus years, the kiss is an action filled usually with many emotions. The Peruvian artist Victor Delfin created the sculpture to depict him and his wife kissing. The sculpture is set in a park in Miraflores, Peru named "Parque del Amor (Love Park)". It sits in the middle of the park as you overlook the Pacific Ocean, measuring approximately 26 feet wide by 23 feet in height. The sculpture was presented to the city  on February 14, 1993.  As you can see the color the artist used was a bronze to really stand out against the blue ocean. It takes up a large space and has prespective giving visitors a great view. The sculpture seems to have texture and you can see the passion in the kiss shared between Victor Delfin and his wife. 

I look at this sculpture and not only does it take me back home but it takes me to a time where my wife and I shared a kiss in this very area. It takes me to a time where extended family was met and loved. You see the passion the artist has for his wife and you see the love that they shared in the sculpture. A true love of many years, not only their one and only but their forever. Their tight embrace as if it was the first kiss they ever shared, this sculpture brings a smile to my face because I still get butterflies when I kiss my wife. It floods my memory bank with happiness and sadness as I remember my customs, culture, and family left behind. I hope to one day return and create memories once again in this amazing area with amazing views. 

Love Park: the corner of Lima that National Geographic included in the 50 most romantic destinations in the world


Johnson, Katie, "Inside the home and studio of Peru's most famous sculpture, Victor Delfin" Luxury Gold Latin America, Luxury Journeys, 13 November 2022,

Inside the Artist's Studio: A visit with Victor Delfin, Goshen College, 25 March, 2014,

LOVE PARK: the corner of Lima that National Geographic included in the 50 most romantic destinations in the world,SALKANTAY TREK MACHU,


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